Project Workshop (PWS) 1 at University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Project Workshop (PWS) 1 at UTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 21-27 May 2023, brings together academic partners from Europe and Asia to discuss digital learning.
The event kicks off with arrivals and introductions, followed by a series of forums where European and Asian universities share their experiences with digital learning. Participants will engage in project preparations, develop training modules, and discuss quality assurance and sustainability.
The workshop also features sessions on digital transformation in education, leadership, and a visit to Cyberjaya and Putrajaya. Networking opportunities and collaborative discussions are integral parts of the program, aiming to enhance digital learning initiatives across partner institutions.
A survey, completed by the participants, was given out and it covered four categories:
1. Workshop Content:
- Expectations met, relevance rated highly (4-5), and objectives clearly defined.
- Content depth rated as satisfactory by most participants.
- High satisfaction with overall organization and timely provision of materials.
- Positive ratings for venue, facilities, and communication before and during the workshop.
- Timing and scheduling were rated as very good to excellent.
- Participants were mostly very satisfied with the workshop's quality.
- Valuable aspects included communication, project understanding, and personal interactions.
Participants suggested:
- Increased involvement of Asian partners, particularly from Laos and Cambodia.
- More focused workshop content and clearer task responsibilities.
- Better logistical support, including travel and accommodation assistance.